Service and touchpoint design
Human Centered in a Lean UX space
In an online service, today’s user follows simplicity, intuitiveness and fluidity. Through a quantitative analysis (data analysis) and user research (usability test, workshops and card sorting), we listened to people to identify the main re-design streams:
– E.ON detectable awareness in the Italian market, by acting on the informative and experiential structure of each touchpoint
– Digital conversion, by optimising the experience of online subscriptions and responding to the usability related to funnel paths
– A support for Business and usual activities by designing UX and UI and helping development teams with Agile system.

Internal communication and employee engagement
Employee Engagement: engage them to involve them
When an employee is involved, he probably feels valued and stimulated to deeply share his company’s values. We strengthened all E.ON internal communication department through creative concepts, online and offline outputs, and an editorial plan dedicated to sustainability and engagement projects, like contests and advocacy activities.
Related resources

The person at the center:
internal communication empowers the sense of group

Social network
The energy of E.ON turns on social networks
E.ON and Jovanotti together for a greener and bluer world. The company was an official partner of Jova Beach Party in all its shows. We followed E.ON’s employees on this musical adventure and valued their presence during every show, helping them to spread sustainability posts on all leading social channels.